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Born of Blood (The Valdir Chronicles Book 3) Read online

Page 25

  Kalina believed him. She had stopped eating while he’d spoken, but together they resumed, finishing the meal in companionable silence. As the last of the dishes were cleared away, he stood and motioned for her to join him as his doors opened.

  “I have two final gifts for you.” He motioned to the woman coming towards them.

  “Seri!” Kalina gasped, and she stepped forward to take the girls hands. Seri fell to her knees before the royals, her face to the floor.

  “Your Majesties!”

  “Seri, stand up, please. No need to kneel.” Kalina hauled the girl to her feet and then looked sideways at King Endre.

  “Seri is a free woman. I believe you have a proposition for her?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at her. Kalina grinned and turned back to Seri.

  “I would like to offer you a position in Ethea, in my castle as one of my maids.” She saw Seri’s eyes widen for a moment, and then fall. She rushed on, concerned. “Or you can be a cook or a stable hand. Or even one of my guards if you’d like!”

  “Your Majesty, I would love to, but…” She trailed off.

  “But what?”

  “My father.”

  Kalina waved a hand.

  “Bring him with you. I will give him a place too if he can get sober. And if he can’t, I’ll give him a comfortable bed to sleep it off.”

  Seri’s face suddenly lit up in excitement. She bent and kissed Kalina’s hands, thanking her for her generosity. Kalina waved her off, dismissing her to go find Delisa and make arrangements. Kalina turned back to the King.

  “Thank you. That was very kind of you.”

  It was his turn to wave her off.

  “It was nothing. And now for my final gift.” He signaled a servant by the door who bowed slightly before opening it and admitting two soldiers who carried the bedraggled form of Lord Averil between them.

  “My Queen!” he cried out when he saw her, falling to his knees, hands and feet shackled. He began to crawl forward towards her, his hands clasped in a plea. “Please, forgive me! I was blackmailed by the late King! I didn’t know what I was doing! Please!”

  Kalina took a disgusted step back. Bile rose in her throat. Lord Illeron had hinted that he was to blame for Prince Terric’s escape at his execution. That he had tried to orchestrate her murder. And he was certainly to blame for this whole debacle in Askor. She couldn’t stand to look at him.

  “Get him out of my sight.” She turned her back on him and looked at King Endre. “He can rot in your dungeons for the rest of his life. I don’t ever want to see him again.”

  The King nodded and motioned for the guards to take him away. Lord Averil began to scream, hysteria clear in his voice as he begged her to forgive him. But Kalina just walked to the window and looked down at the bustling city below and tried to focus on something, anything else.

  When the closing door finally muffled his screams, the King put a light hand on her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry. My men discovered that he and my father were in collusion. They planned to marry you to my brother and then murder you, giving Ethea and the Valdir into Askor’s hands.”

  Kalina nodded mutely. She had suspected as much. But it was still tough to see the man responsible. A man to whom she had given so many chances. A man she had only kept on her council out of respect for the other members who insisted he be there. She clenched her jaw. There were going to be some changes when she got home. Finally, she turned to Endre and reached out to clasp his forearm.

  “Thank you, for all you’ve done for us, your Majesty. Your kindness and friendship won’t be forgotten.”

  She had convinced her Queen’s Guard member Runa to remain in Askor as her ambassador; not long after, Captain Higgs, who was sweet on Runa, offered to stay as well. Both were going to be her eyes and ears in this place once she returned home. She felt more content as she left the King’s rooms knowing someone would be there to watch their backs.

  Just outside the King’s door, she ran right into Prince Simen who had been lurking about. She didn’t know whether it was her he’d come looking for, or his brother, but she was glad to see him.

  “I just wanted to come say goodbye,” he said hesitantly after a quick embrace. “And I wanted to say thank you.”

  “For what?” Kalina asked.

  “For risking everything. For risking war. I owe you my happiness, Kalina.”

  “Are you and your betrothed happy then?”

  He beamed at her, and she found herself beaming back, genuinely happy he was happy.

  “We got married two days ago in a small ceremony.”

  “Congratulations!” she said, hugging him.

  They spoke of small things, each apologizing and repairing in turn. Finally, it was time for Kalina to go pack and get ready for her departure the next day. They promised to write, and he promised to visit, claiming he wanted to see the famed Ethean Wastes for himself. Kalina promised to have a room waiting for him and his new wife.

  The next day dawned cool, but the breeze off the ocean was warm, the sky above bright blue. Perhaps spring was finally descending on this frozen northern world. Kalina stood on the deck of her ship, watching the quay slip away, waving to Captain Higgs and Runa on the dock. She looked up to the sky high above and saw Maska flying there, dancing and playing in the bright blue expanse, a golden shape at his side. A presence behind her made her turn and she saw Leif standing there, his handsome face cracked in a small smile.

  “You know what today is?” he said softly. Kalina shook her head.

  “It’s St. Martin’s Day.”

  One year. Was that all it had been since she’d left her abbey? It felt like a lifetime.


  Kalina sat before the ornate gold-edged mirror and smiled. The left-hand side of her head was shaved. It was a preference now, rather than because of her scar. She’d tried growing it out after they’d returned from Askor a few months ago, but the scar had always seemed to make the hair stick out at odd angles. So she’d opted to just keep it short. Eira had given her a salve to rub on it and the one on her cheek to help break up the scar tissue and it seemed to be working, making both scars less noticeable and softer. Not that she minded anymore.

  There were more Runark tattoos in dark red fresh ink on her face. These were warrior marks. Marks of pride. Marks she had earned. She wasn’t ashamed of the way she looked. She thought she looked tough, yes, but she looked strong too. Like a warrior. Not a scared little girl anymore.

  Delisa came up behind her and settled the silver and blue dragon scale crown on her head over her freshly done silver battle braids. Kalina’s bright blue eyes were smudged with kohl, and her lips tinted red. An intricate necklace made of delicate strands of silver woven together like lace lay upon her breast, and silver bangles jingled on each of her wrists. She reached over and stroked the sleeping grey form of Moose, the tabby cat who was curled on a pillow beside her. She had missed him dearly while she was away.

  “You look stunning, Kalina,” Delisa said, leaning down to kiss her cheek. Kalina blushed slightly, standing to inspect her reflection in the full-length mirror. She wore a silver gown that clung to her waist before flaring out around her. It had a deep V-neck and tight sleeves that perfectly accentuated her curves and muscles. It was made of a gossamer fabric inlaid with diamonds that sparkled like the night sky. She felt ethereal in it. She felt like a queen.

  “Are you ready?” Kari stuck her head around the door, her own silver braids pulled up into an elaborate crown atop her head. She also wore a dress, but one in shades of deep purple to match her Yurok.

  “I think so, yes.”

  “Let’s go. Everyone is waiting.” Kari was impatient as always and Kalina rolled her eyes at her cousin while Delisa giggled beside her. Delisa followed them out, making sure the train of Kalina’s dress didn’t catch on the door.

  The trio made their way down to a small courtyard in the garden, just a little ways away from the fountain that had been Kalina’s f
avorite when she’d first arrived at Ravenhelm Castle. There they found Calla and Anders. Calla handed baby Issa, who was a year old now and walking, to her husband and came over to fuss about Kalina, straightening the dress that she herself had made.

  “It looks lovely, Calla, stop fussing.”

  Calla stepped back, wiping her eyes gingerly with a handkerchief before accepting Issa back from Anders.

  “You just look so lovely.”

  “It’s time,” Anders said, holding out his arm for her. Kalina took it gracefully and turned to give one last look to Kari and Delisa. She smiled a radiant, excited smile at them and then walked with Anders through a hedgerow and into the rose garden beyond.

  Instrumental music was playing, drifting on the air as they walked down the aisle, surrounded on either side by gathered guests. Across the garden, two reptilian heads in green and gold leaned over the hedge, watching. Kalina saw Father Martin and Father Nic from Hywell Abbey sitting in a nearby row and Father Nic gave Kalina a wink as she walked by. Scholar Alexil with his white hair sticking out sat beside Margy and Mistress Aynne, Margy giving her a small wave.

  Talon sat beside a pretty blonde girl and he gave her a tiny wave as well. Her Valdir friends and family sat in the aisle, each giving her huge smiles: Jormungand and Halvor, Eira and Rangvald, Asa and Gyda, Hilde and Skaldrik. Lord Tameron and his wife, and Lady Renfort sat watching her, perhaps even judging her as she walked by but she didn’t mind.

  Then came the foreign dignitaries. The ambassadors from Ablen and even Wostrad sat beaming at her. And in the front rows sat Bri and Osian in a place of honor, Torill, and Gunnar behind them. Sunniva sat beside them, and on the opposite side of the aisle sat the King of Askor with his pretty new young wife, Prince Simen and his new wife, and Prince Ivan.

  But although Kalina gave them each small glances, she really only had eyes for the man that stood at the end of the aisle before the altar, dressed in traditional Valdiran leather armor that gleaned blood-red in the sun. The man she was about to marry.


  The End.

  * * *

  Bonus scene

  Snow was falling outside the castle windows, the gardens, and harbor beyond the panes of glass covered in a blanket of white. Kalina stood, holding a thick blanket around her naked shoulders, watching the big flakes as they drifted to earth. Tomorrow was the Mid-winter Festival, and she was looking forward to the festivities, the games, and especially the food. But right at that moment, she was enjoying the solitude and peace that snowfall seemed to bring.

  Movement stirred behind her and suddenly Leif was there, his muscled chest bare. He shivered slightly and Kalina opened her blanket for him to slide inside, taking up a spot behind her. He gently kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her, watching the outside world.

  “We should probably call for breakfast to be brought up,” he said softly. Kalina smiled as his voice rumbled through her, reverberating into her bare back.

  “In a minute. I’m enjoying this.”

  Outside, two dragons shot up from one of the courtyards into the grey sky, one green, and one gold. Together, they frolicked through the winter air, diving and spinning. They looked so happy, filled with utter joy at the snowfall. Watched their dragons fly together seemed to overwhelm Kalina with an emotion she couldn’t quite name. It was like homesickness, even though she was home, and a euphoria so immense she felt drowned in it. Suddenly there were tears in her eyes.

  They fell, splashing onto the blanket and she sniffed, wiping at her cheeks.

  “Are you alright, my love?” Leif said, turning her to face him. He cupped her cheeks in his hands and kissed her eyelids gently. She let out a small laugh. She felt a little silly for crying but what else was she supposed to do with so much emotion?

  “I have something to tell you,” she began, excitement flutter in her stomach. Leif tipped her chin up so she was gazing into his grey eyes.

  “Yes?” He kissed her gently on the lips, wrapping an arm firmly around her waist so she was pressed up against him.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  He smiled.

  * * *

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  Ready for more from RA Lewis? Born of Stone, Book 1.5 in The Valdir Chronicles is coming out December 2019 along with a box set of the series.Sign up for her newsletter to be the first to learn about new releases, catch free bonus content/short stories, and random animal photos. Join her Facebook group for exclusive content and giveaways.

  About the Author

  R.A. Lewis is a debut fantasy author. She lives in Oregon with her husband, two dogs, three cats, and hundreds of fish. She has two degrees from the University of Oregon in Psychology and Sociology and loves to address mental illness, trauma, and the human experience within her writing. When she’s not pulling her hair out writing, she enjoys reading, daydreaming, spending time with her husband and dogs, watching zombie movies/shows, swimming/working out, and napping.

  You can visit her on Facebook (R.A.LewisAuthor), Instagram (@author.r.a.lewis), Pinterest (authorralewis), her blog (Authorralewis.wordpress.com), or Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com/RALewis). You can also follow her on Bookbub for reviews.